10/22 EMR & XL Installation Instructions
1. Always make sure your firearm is unloaded and the chamber is empty.
2. Close the action and remove the stock (The make and model of your stock may change this step if you are unsure of how to remove your stock see Removing a standard Ruger stock below.)
3. Locate the magazine release pivot pin (IMAGE A) and push it out of the trigger group housing. This pin should slide out easily. If it does not you may need to use a small punch. Once the pin is removed you can slide the mag release out of the trigger housing.
4. Make sure the slot in the bolt catch plate is aligned with the pivot pin hole and press the magazine latch plunger into the housing. (IMAGE A)
5. Place your Timber Creek Outdoors 10/22 EMR or EMR XL into the trigger group housing and reinstall the pivot pin.
6. Your Extended Magazine Release is now installed and you can reassemble your gun.

1. Remove the barrel band by loosening the screw with a flat head screwdriver and slide it off the front of the barrel.
2. Unscrew the action screw from the action while leaving it threaded into the stock. This screw is located on the bottom of the stock and in front of the mag well. Depending on the age of your gun you will need either a flat head screwdriver or an allanwrench.
3. Place the safety halfway between safe and fire.
4. You can now separate the action, trigger group, and barrel from the stock.
AR EMR Installation Instructions
1. Always make sure your firearm is unloaded and the chamber is empty.
2. Remove the stock magazine release button by using a punch or dowel to press the mag release button below the receiver lower surface and turn the mag catch counter clockwise until it unscrews from the mag release button.
3. Install the mag catch into the recess on the left of the receiver and place the spring on the threaded portion from the right side of the receiver.
4. Screw the new Timber Creek Outdoors button onto the threaded portion of the magazine catch 2 rotations with the three tapped holes facing away from the receiver.
5. Use a punch or dowel to press the button below the receiver lower surface and turn the magazine catch clockwise until the threaded portion is one turn past flush with the button head.
6. Place the Timber Creek Outdoors AR Extended Magazine Release on the button so that the button fits inside of the recessed pocket and install the screws. Align the Extended Magazine Release parallel to the trigger guard before tightening the screws.